The effective management of process safety-related risks requires a proper understanding of the hazardous properties of materials involved.
At Stonehouse Process Safety we provide a complete range of laboratory testing for the evaluation of the materials you handle including powders/dusts, liquids, vapors, gases, or solids. We test and measure flammability, combustibility, explosibility, ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal decomposition/self-heating, and electrostatic properties, and more.
Our laboratory, supported by our process safety specialists, provide you with all you need to obtain the necessary, quality-controlled data for the safe operation of your processes.
This laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer to joint ISOILAC-IAF Comminque dated April 2017).
You are in good hands:
We help you select only the tests that you need for your specific applications
We deliver the results expeditiously
All tests are priced competitively
We interpret the data and help you with its application for the identification and evaluation of process safety hazards
We provide practical suggestions for the effective elimination and/or control of those hazards, if required
Combustible Dust Testing
Go/No Go Explosibility Screening Test
Burn Rate/Fire Train Test
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) – Dust Cloud Test
Minimum Ignition Temperature – Dust Cloud (MIT-cloud) Test
Minimum Ignition Temperature – Dust Layer (MIT-layer) Test
Explosion Severity Test (Kst)
Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC) Test
Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC) Test
Particle Sieve Analysis
Electrostatic Testing
Volume Resistivity Test – Powders and Solid Materials
Surface Resistivity Test – Solid Materials
Charge Relaxation (Decay) Time – Powders and Solid Materials
Electrostatic Chargeability Test – Powder
Breakdown Voltage Test – Solid Materials
Electrostatic Discharge Testing
ESD Test 1 – Maximum Spark Energy Assessment – Isolated Conductors
ESD Test 2 – Charge Transfer Measurement – Insulators
ESD Test 3 – Direct Discharge Incendivity (Igniting Power) Measurement – Insulators
Electrostatic Hazards Testing – Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC)
Liquid Conductivity Test
Get in touch
We invite you to partner with Stonehouse for all your testing needs to ensure the continued safety of your personnel, plant, community, and business.
Our portfolio of testing services includes the tests listed below. Tests are conducted according to prescribed national or international standards and best industry practices. We also can set up and run customized tests to simulate actual process and operating conditions where standardized tests fall short of providing adequate safety information.