Schedule Dust Testing for Your Facility Today
If you process powders at your facility, you‘ll likely generate dust; dust that can accumulate inside process vessels and in the workplace. That dust could give rise to dust explosion or fire hazards; but how do you know if your facility is at risk?
Dust explosion powder testing provides the answer.
In fact, dust testing is the first stage in the assessment method mandated by NFPA 652, the technical standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust. Most powders processed by industry in North America are combustible, but all have different levels of sensitivity and severity. How much risk do you carry? Contact us and we can walk you through our dust explosion assessment protocol.
Get your powders tested today!
Why NFPA 652 Compliance is Important
NFPA 652 requires all facilities working with potentially combustible dusts to
- determine the combustibility hazards of their materials,
- identify and assess the hazards they present
- manage the risks, and
- communicate the hazards
Our specialist team works with you to help identify hazards and assess the risks you face, whilst providing you with the guidance you’ll need to eliminate and manage the hazards and risks. We’ll not only test your materials, we can also visit you and conduct site assessment of your facility, helping you determine the precautions needed to prevent dust explosions and fire.
Having Your Dust Tested
As the owner or operator of a facility, it’s your responsibility to be NFPA 652 compliant. In order to create your action plan, you’ll need to have the combustibility of the dust tested. The dust will be tested for explosion severity and sensitivity to ignition.
We will then provide tips and strategies, based on our findings, to help you make changes to your process, updating any necessary procedures, and ensuring that your plant or facility is compliant and actively avoiding any risks. A Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) report will help you ensure the utmost safety for your people and facility.
Begin Your Stonehouse Experience
If you’re ready to have dust testing performed, or simply want to talk through the options you have to make your facility safe, get started by contacting us today. We’ll set up a free-of-charge phone call with one of our dust explosions specialists to go over the requirements of NFPA 652, answer your questions, and provide you with a route to NFPA 652 compliance – and a safer plant.